"The Veiled One"

How many veils must be lifted
till your glimpse is gifted
How much pride must be sacrificed
till your grandeur is recognized
How much tribulation must be undergone
till a purified self is born
How many desires must be forsaken
till I let my soul awaken
How much heartbreak must be felt
till I allow my ego to melt
How many wishes must be blown away
till my only wish is your say
How many tears must be shed
till my spirit is truly fed
How much knowledge must be unlearned
till your gnosis is to be earned
How many books must be burned
till your message is fully learned
How many reasons must bear negation
till your love is granted affirmation
How many temptations must be fought
till the distance between us is nought
How many wines must be untasted
till your vision turns me intoxicated
How many petals of 'I' must wither
till I am able to pluck your flower
How many colors of me must fade
till your rainbow is displayed
How many songs must be unheard
till by your melody, I am stirred
How many peers must abandon me
till I am granted your proximity
How much jealousy must harm me
till I rely on only your sincerity
How many fears must be conquered
till your path is wholly travelled
How much self must be lost
till this journey is crossed
How many wars with myself I must win
till your disclosure will finally begin
How many words must be written
till silence becomes my expression
How many people must be forgiven
till I make my days enliven
How many memories must I erase
till my nights are for your praise
How many whys must be understood
till I experience what is selfhood
How many hows must be explored
till your divine wisdom is poured
How many theories must be rejected
till your concept is perfected
How much of philosophy must I replace
till your discourse rules my time-space
How much science must be unendorsed
till the power of faith is the greatest force
How many illusions must be denied
till the devil's tricks are defied
How many steps must I walk
till your exaltation is my talk
How many delusions must be addressed
till with your revelation, I am blessed
How much should I strive for bliss
till prostration is like a bride's kiss
How much repentance must accompany sin
till I witness a revolution within
How much from vanity I must flee
till you acknowledge my humility
How much caprice must be suppressed
till you say, "I am highly impressed"
How much inner purity should I seek
till fake beauty can't make me weak
How much worldly glitter must I shun
till your rays are emitted from the sun
How much should I serve your creation
till I fulfil the definition of a human
How much should I revere your glorious name
till the key to your treasures, I can claim
How much remembrance do I owe your beloved
till I'm mentioned in the prayers of the prophet
How much self-worship must be undone
till I'm embraced by you, the Veiled One!