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Let the petals turn to wings
Watch it radiate in a celestial glow
Do you still wish it ill?
| Aleezeh Usman | Issue 144 (Nov - Dec 2021)

This article has been viewed 16670 times


Calm your raging eyes
Fuel not a hollow fire
Lower your accusing gaze
Point not at a whirling lily

Liberate the flower of sublimity
From the shackles of your enmity

Let it dance to a divine melody
Let it mix the blue into the green
Let it reach out to God
Let it feel the earth

Stab it not
With words of hostility
Let it love
With a heart of glory

Let the petals turn to wings
Watch it radiate in a celestial glow
Do you still wish it ill?
Do you still wish for it to wilt?
Can you not see in it
The infinite bounty
Of the Lord,
That turned a praying flower
Throwing itself at His mercy
To a symbol of love and peace
Soaring in the sky?

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