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| M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 140 (Mar - Apr 2021)

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Stop giving up,
or else you cannot reach the end.
You cannot harvest the fruit,
unless you firmly stand.

Those who reached their purpose,
made it thanks to their being steadfast.
Steadfast you should be; or else,
you cannot behold the Friend’s countenance

Roads are long and onerous;
yet faith is the wayfarer’s provisions.
Be spirited with belief,
Or else, you cannot enter heavens.

The bridge is ruined, the road is rough,
and nobody to hold you by the hand;
If God unraveled your fabric,
you can in no way weave it.

Deep river, steep slope…
all welcome to the devoted.
Crossing is your duty;
do not condemn anyone for that.

Those who made it, did so long ago;
by being nothing did they attain existence,
So should you be: nothing,
Or else, you won’t be admitted to the Divine presence.

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